
1. Interactions and material fluxes between the land and ocean

The transport and exchange of matter (sediment, nutrients, organisms, MPs, etc.) between the land and ocean, driven by the interactions between rivers, tides, waves, groundwater discharges, and storms

2. Coastal environmental changes and ecological responses

The changes in coastal hydrology, hydrodynamics, morphodynamics, and landscapes, as well as their impacts on biota such as flora and fauna communities, macrobenthos, food webs

3. Coastal wetland restoration and blue carbon sequestration 

Theory, techniques and management strategies to maintain and recover coastal wetlands under pressing environment, and their impact on carbon sequestration in coastal ecosystems (mangroves, saltmarshes, seagrass meadows, etc.)

4. Pollution control, carbon reduction and green development in the Bay Area

Strategies & technologies for the reduction of pollution and carbon emissions to achieve the goal of green development in the Bay Area

5. Global climate change and mitigation of coastal hazards

Nature-based solutions for coastal communities to prevent and mitigate coastal hazards such as storms and floods under increasing climate change, accelerated sea level rise, etc.

6. Coastal monitoring techniques and big data analysis

New methods & techniques of data collection and field monitoring, as well as big data analysis with machine learning, AI, etc.

7. Special sessions

7.1 Ecogeomorphology in riverine and coastal wetlands
7.2 Coastal erosion mechanisms and defense techniques
